Wednesday, November 13

Mission #1. The Warehouse

I'm camped out in my truck. It's six in the morning, maybe half past. Turns out I'm stranded on this beautiful, sunny and very welcoming rock. Something happened back home, they say they lost their contract. I lost my SIN, my kinda comfy hotel room, my plane ticket, my everything. Kept the truck, though. S not as nice as my own back home, of course, but it'll do. Has to. So last evening I get a call from this guy, claims to be one Mr Freeze. He pretends to be all mysterious and shit. He knows about my being stranded, and he does the "help me and I'll help you"-routine. So I agree to meet him. At some shady bar and in the middle of the night. of course. can you be any more cliché. 

So i spent some time teaching Lofwyr some new verbal commands. tis always better to have a dog which launches its grenades on commands the enemy won't regard as such.

Anyhoo. The bar. weird place, deserted, no one's there. cept for to other guys. I stay in the shadows, for the moment. they don't spot me right away. then along come's a third guy, stubby, chubby, greasy, you name it. he even has doughnuts on his tie, his stain stings my nose even here. 

he kinda asks around, keeps looking in the shadows. I join the party, turns out, I'm not the only one who's stranded: One pointy ears, Aaron, arrogant, newbie, no idea why Lone Star hired him, or even send him on vacation, after three bloody months "on the job". Thin as a wire. and a show off. wannabe wizard, of course. One walking tool kit. Leo. human. kinda handy with guns. doesn't care about anything, ready to make a deal with whoever serves his interest.Well. Could've been worse.

Donought guy says he has a gambling debt with the Russians. Awesome. Says he owns 40k to one Boris. we should keep him of his back for one week and he'll bring us out of the country. How he knew about the three of us being stranded here? shrug. how he'll fly us home? shrug. he does a lot of shrugging. getting intel out of him is like getting blood out of a stone.

He manages to tell us where we might find said Boris. We head over there. What can I say. Finally some action. Tool kit takes a laptop from the office and in the warehouse me meet a couple guys and even more weapons. Pointy manages to make us invisible. and ends up sending a fire spirit over to the gun nuts, where it hovers exactly above the ammo and the guns: they pop like a bunch of pixes. without the tiny shrieks though.

One fat guy who clearly is in to bling bling has to die. one even heavier dude's our target. he's not at all surprised. I have to do the talks, since tool kit went fetch the truck and since pointy prefers to stay invisible. they keep talking in my head though. its annoying. Boris slides over 30k and asks that I keep the guns. I pocket the money. He promises nothing and clearly he doesn't give a shit about me or the dead guy or the 30k.